Latest Update : Jan.26, 2015
At the Minebea Group, plants and other facilities take the lead in performing vigorous local contribution activities, environmental activities, etc.
This section reports on wide-ranging activities performed in various locations in 2014.

Occupational Health & Safety, Environmental, Energy and CSR Week Fair 2014 was Held in Thailand
NMB-Minebea Thai held an "Occupational Health & Safety, Environmental, Energy and CSR Week Fair 2014" at the following plants. The purpose of the event is to encourage employees ... more
Event Period : November 2014 - December 2014

NMB-Minebea Thai Employees Participate in Mangrove Reforestation Project
Seventy employees representing NMB-Minebea Thai participated in a project to plant 1,000 trees as part of a mangrove reforestation effort in Bangpu Nature Center, Samutprakan ... more
Date of the Event : December 20, 2014

Trees Planted and Candles Lighted to Celebrate the King of Thailand's Birthday
In celebration of the King of Thailand's birthday, December 5, 2014, trees were planted by employees and lighting candle ceremonies were held at NMB-Minebea Thai's Bang Pa-in Plant ... more
Date of the Event : December 3, 2014

Fourth Biannual Meeting Held with Representatives of Miyota Town, Nagano Prefecture
At its Karuizawa Plant in November 2014, Minebea Co., Ltd. held its fourth biannual meeting with representatives of Miyota Town, Kitasaku District, Nagano Prefecture, where Minebea's ... more
Date of the Event : November 7, 2014

NMB-Minebea Thai Makes Tables and Chairs from Scrap Wood for Primary School Children
NMB-Minebea Thai's Ayutthaya Plant made tables and chairs from scrap wood for nearby Wat Kra-sung Primary school's canteen. Minebea Thai donated. The children were delighted with ... more
Date of the Event : November 3, 2014

High School Students from Komoro Special Needs Education School visit Karuizawa Plant
Minebea's Karuizawa Plant welcomed a group of 53 visitors: 41 first and second grade high school students from Nagano Prefectural Komoro Special Needs Education School, located ... more
Date of the Event : October 21, 2014

NMB-Minebea Thai Recieves CSR-DIW Continuous Award Year 2014 from Thailand's Ministry of Industry
NMB-Minebea Thai's Bang Pa-In, Lopburi, Ayutthaya and Rojana Plants received the CSR-DIW Continuous Award Year 2014 from the Ministry of Industry for their continuous CSR ... more
Date of the Event : October 21, 2014

Yonago Plant Employees Clean Up Mt. Daisen
A group of Minebea Yonago Plant employees and their families, twenty six in all, recently picked up trash along the entire length of the trail leading to the top of the 1,729-meter tall ... more
Date of the Event : October 11, 2014

Minebea Clears Medevac Helipad for Local Fire Dept.
Minebea's Karuizawa Plant in the town of Miyota, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture signed a memorandum of understanding with the local fire department, giving it free access to the ... more
Date of the Event : October 10, 2014

Junior High Kid Explores Working World at Karuizawa Plant
Minebea's Karuizawa Plant in Kitasaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture opened its doors to a second-year student enrolled at Karuizawa Junior High School in the adjacent town of Karuizawa ... more
Date of the Event : October 7, 2014

Nakasato Elementary School, Nagano Pref. Visits Karuizawa Plant
Minebea's Karuizawa Plant welcomed sixty-three third- grade elementary school students and 4 teachers of Nakasato Elementary School from adjacent Saku City, Nagano Pref.
The plant tour ... more
Date of the Event : September 26, 2014

NMB-Minebea Thai Promotes Riding a Bicycle to Reduce Global Warming on the Occasion of Car Free Day
Minebea Cycling Club is established in 2014 supported by NMB-Minebea Thai Ltd. with the objectives to promote good health, participate in the reduction of global warming and build a ... more
Date of the Event : September 21, 2014

Team Minebea Rows to Victory in Lake Biwa Citizens' Regatta 2014
Minebea's Yonago Plant supports various club activities with an eye to promoting sports in the local community and helping its employees stay fit and healthy.
The plant's rowing club ... more
Date of the Event : September 14, 2014

Junior High Kid Rolls Up His Sleeves at Matsuida Plant
Minebea's Matsuida Plant in Gunma Prefecture welcomed a second-year student from Myogi Junior High School in adjacent Tomioka City as part of the school's work experience program. ... more
Event Period : Sepember 4 - 5, 2014

Meeting Kicks Off Internal CSR Promotion System
Minebea kicked off the launch of its Internal CSR Promotion System during a special video conference linking the company's Tokyo Head Office with its Karuizawa, Fujisawa, Hamamatsu, ... more
Date of the Event : September 4, 2014

Karuizawa Plant Toured by Saku Branch of the Support Committee of Nagano National College of Technology
Minebea's Karuizawa Plant gave a factory tour to the Saku Branch of the Support Committee of Nagano National College of Technology (Nagano Kosen).
Nagano Kosen's Support Committee ... more
Date of the Event : August 25, 2014

Local Festival Co-sponsorship
As a member of the local community, Minebea values its connection to local community members. Because "working in harmony with the local community" is one of our Five Principles, ... more
Date of the Event : July 26, 2014, August 9, 2014

Fujisawa Plant Conducts Hands-on Teacher Training
Minebea's Fujisawa Plant accepted one teacher from the nearby Fujisawa City Shinbayashi Elementary School as part of a hands-on teacher-training program. The Kanagawa Prefectural ... more
Event Period : August 6 - 8, 2014

NMB-Minebea Thai Supports Local Community Residents Make Thai Chili Pastes
NMB-Minebea Thai's (hereafter Minebea Thai) Bang Pa-in plant helps nearby Watthammanawapatthana community housewives make Thai chili pastes (nam phrik pao) to generate income ... more
Event Period : June 2014 - July 2014

NMB-Minebea Thai Provides Waste Separation Class to Local Children
NMB-Minebea Thai educated waste separaton to more than 200 students of Watthammanawapatthana school which is nearby Bang Pa-in plant. The breakdown is 125 students from primary ... more
Date of the Event : July 16, 2014

Miyota Women's Civic Association Visits Karuizawa Plant
Minebea's Karuizawa Plant welcomed the Miyota Women's Civic Association for a tour of the facilities. Like the plant, the women's group calls the town of Miyota, in Nagano ... more
Date of the Event : July 15, 2014

Karuizawa Plant Visit Takes Miyota Junior High Students into the Working World
Minebea's Karuizawa Plant in Miyota-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture opened its doors to four second-year students enrolled in the local Miyota Junior High School in ... more
Event Period : July 8 - 9, 2014

Local Community Residents Visit NMB-Minebea Thai's Wastewater Treatment Facilities
NMB-Minebea Thai's (hereafter Minebea Thai) Bang Pa-in plant welcomed 19 people from nearby Watthammanawapatthana community to understand the plant's wastewater treatment ... more
Date of the Event : June 21, 2014

3rd Biannual Meeting Held with Representatives of Miyota Town, Nagano Prefecture
At its Karuizawa Plant in May 2014, Minebea Co., Ltd. held its 3rd biannual meeting with representatives of Miyota Town, Kitasaku District, Nagano Prefecture, where ... more
Date of the Event : May 12, 2014

NMB-Minebea Thai Promotes Traffic Safety
Thailand's Songkran festival is celebrated as the traditional New Year's day from April 13 to 15 every year.
NMB-Minebea Thai's (Minebea Thai) 5 plants provided ... more
Date of the Event : April 11, 2014

NMB-Minebea Thai renovates Mae Fah Luang School in Tak Province
NMB-Minebea Thai focuses on supporting activities for children's education. In January 2010, NMB-Minebea Thai rebuilt the Mae Fah Luang School in Tak Province.
Since four ... more
Event Period : March 28 - 30, 2014

NMB-Minebea Thai Care and Join Against Drugs
NMB-Minebea Thai educated drug abuse prevention to the students of Wadpayom School, which is located near Bang Pa-in plant.
The objective is as follows. ... more
Date of the Event : February 26, 2014

Thai Traditional Ceremony was Held for Celebrating Makha Bucha Day
NMB-Minebea Thai participates in the "Happy Soul Corporation's Happy Workplace" project. The project aims to create happy work environments that increase employee satisfaction ... more
Date of the Event : February 13, 2014

Supporting Boys' Baseball in Thailand
NMB-Minebea Thai's Lopburi Plant held a baseball tournament for twenty five boys and girls living nearby, including employee's children. Most of their baseball experience ... more
Date of the Event : February 7, 2014

Nagano Iwamurada High School Students Visit Karuizawa Plant
Minebea's Karuizawa Plant welcomed 35 first-year students enrolled in the machine system program at Nagano Iwamurada High School in adjacent Saku City for a factory tour. ... more
Date of the Event : January 28, 2014

CSR Activities in Support of Thailand Children's Day
Thailand Children's Day is the second Saturday of January every year. NMB-Minebea Thai provided support for Thailand Children's Day with the following activities. ... more
Event Period : January 2014