Information by Business Segment

Latest Update : Sept.17, 2024

* MinebeaMitsumi has adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from the 1Q of FY3/2019.

Information by Business Segment

Precision Technologies millions of yen 47,917 51,444 53,943 58,102 62,655
Distribution Ratio % 16.4% 13.5% 14.1% 16.7% 17.6%
Motor, Lighting & Sensing millions of yen 87,794 92,675 91,895 97,024 99,120
Distribution Ratio % 30.0% 24.4% 24.1% 27.8% 27.9%
Semiconductors & Electronics millions of yen 81,730 157,073 146,450 109,464 111,229
Distribution Ratio % 28.0% 41.4% 38.4% 31.4% 31.3%
Access Solutions millions of yen 73,648 77,569 87,883 83,008 81,535
Distribution Ratio % 25.2% 20.4% 23.1% 23.8% 22.9%
Other millions of yen 1,281 986 1,036 1,205 915
Distribution Ratio % 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3%
Net sales millions of yen 292,370379,747381,207348,803355,454
Distribution Ratio % 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Precision Technologies millions of yen 8,209 9,041 9,795 10,990 13,013
Operating income margin % 17.1% 17.6% 18.2% 18.9% 20.8%
Motor, Lighting & Sensing millions of yen 1,808 3,637 2,829 3,593 5,105
Operating income margin % 2.1% 3.9% 3.1% 3.7% 5.2%
Semiconductors & Electronics millions of yen 555 12,638 12,796 9,533 4,729
Operating income margin % 0.7% 8.0% 8.7% 8.7% 4.3%
Access Solutions millions of yen 163 1,775 6,407 2,280 3,000
Operating income margin % 0.2% 2.3% 7.3% 2.7% 3.7%
Other millions of yen -20 -174 -322 -212 -247
Adjustments millions of yen -3,972 -5,170 -6,801 -5,842 -5,575
Operating income millions of yen 6,74321,74724,70420,34220,025
Operating income margin % 2.3%5.7%6.5%5.8%5.6%
graph: Sales by Business Segment
graph: Sales by Precision Technologies
graph: Operating income Precision Technologies
graph: Sales by Motor, Lighting & Sensing
graph: Operating income by Motor, Lighting & Sensing
graph: Sales by Semiconductors & Electronics
graph: Operating income by Semiconductors & Electronics
graph: Sales by Access Solutions
graph: Operating income by Access Solutions
  • *1 Minebea Power Semiconductor Device Inc. (formerly Hitachi Power Semiconductor Device, Ltd.) has been included in the scope of consolidation since May 2, 2024.

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