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image : Manufacturing Spirit Deeply Rooted in Minebea

(Posted Oct. 2014)

image : Sales - Staying close to customers to accurately respond to their needs

Grasping Customer Needs and Coordinating with Internal Organizations

image : Mr. Kota Iizuka (entered company in 2011) Automotive Device Sales, West Japan Sales Unit

Mr. Kota Iizuka (entered company in 2011)
Automotive Device Sales, West Japan Sales Unit

Sales organizations play a critical role in resolving customers' product development issues by showing them how Minebea products can support their goals. Assigned to Automotive Device Sales, Mr. Kota Iizuka works closely with automobile manufacturers. "Development projects for automakers can last three to five years, and that length of time makes it critical to build trusted relations with customers," he notes.

Mr. Kaoru Fujinaka, manager of the Precision Motor Business Unit, coordinates projects between the sales, development and manufacturing departments. Mr. Fujinaka shares product information and frequently collaborates with Mr. Iizuka and his department, which sells precision motors as a mainstay product. Mr. Fujinaka leverages his past experience in overseas sales. "In sales, we sometimes receive very challenging product specification and performance requests. In those cases, we don't just pass the requests to the development departments, but rather build an understanding of the customer's product development strategy and the background to their needs. Using this comprehensive understanding, we need to communicate the requests internally and smoothly execute projects."

Mr. Fujinaka supports Mr. Iizuka's desire to become involved with overseas sales. "That's an important challenge. The sales methods overseas are different, based on local culture and social customs. It might seem difficult at first because we can't rely on common sense to guide us, but that will make the experience even more valuable. Wherever we do business, we must respect the local culture with humility."

Enhancing Manufacturing through Sales

image : Mr. Kaoru Fujinaka (entered company in 1988) Manager, Sales Headquarters, Precision Motor Business Unit

Mr. Kaoru Fujinaka
(entered company in 1988)
Manager, Sales Headquarters,
Precision Motor Business Unit

Thinking beyond just price and performance, Mr. Iizuka focuses on what he can do to convince customers to choose Minebea products. "When working with product manufacturers, the most basic requirements are to meet their specifications and provide consistent quality," he notes. "In sales, it's very important for us to strengthen our customer relationships by going beyond this standard. We must become very sensitive to customer attitudes in our daily work and pay meticulous attention to their needs." Mr. Fujinaka strongly agrees. "It's very important for us to actively communicate the latent needs we've grasped through customer meetings to our development department with the hope that we can realize them. As perfectionists, developers are often cautious about creating entirely new products, but we can work with them to determine what we can do now based on the market trends. In this way, the sales departments are using the customers' voices to advance Minebea's manufacturing," says Mr. Fujinaka, explaining how sales should best link the market needs with development and manufacturing.

* Positions/assignments current as of time of interview (December 2013)

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