Dividend/Share Repurchase

Latest Update : Aug.2, 2024


Dividend Policy

Sharing profits with our Group's shareholders is first priority for MinebeaMitsumi. That is why its basic dividend policy gives priority to enhancing equity efficiency and improving returns to our shareholders. Dividends, while reflecting performance, are determined in light of the overall business environment and with an eye to maintaining a stable and continuous distribution of profits.
Based on the above basic policy, the Company plans to submit a proposal to the 78th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, which is scheduled to be held in June of this year, for a year-end dividend of 20 yen per share for the current consolidated fiscal year. As the Company has already paid an interim dividend of 20 yen per share, the annual dividends will be 40 yen per share.
Regarding the annual dividends for the following fiscal year, the Company will determine the dividend payout of around 20% on a consolidated basis.

Record Date and Date of Dividend Payment

Interim dividend Year-end dividend
Record date (to be eligible to receive a dividend) September 30 March 31
Date of dividend payment December June

Transition of Dividend per Share

Fiscal year (total) Interim dividend Year-end dividend
79th Business Term ending March 31, 2025 TBD TBD TBD
78th Business Term ended March 31, 2024 40.0 yen 20.0 yen 20.0 yen
77th Business Term ended March 31, 2023 40.0 yen 20.0 yen 20.0 yen
76th Business Term ended March 31, 2022 36.0 yen 18.0 yen 18.0 yen
75th Business Term ended March 31, 2021 36.0 yen * 14.0 yen 22.0 yen *
74th Business Term ended March 31, 2020 28.0 yen 14.0 yen 14.0 yen
73rd Business Term ended March 31, 2019 28.0 yen 14.0 yen 14.0 yen
72nd Business Term ended March 31, 2018 26.0 yen 13.0 yen 13.0 yen
71st Business Term ended March 31, 2017 14.0 yen 7.0 yen 7.0 yen
70th Business Term ended March 31, 2016 20.0 yen 10.0 yen 10.0 yen

* For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, we will decide with a target dividend payout ratio of around 20%.

* Detail of year-end dividend as of March 31, 2021: Ordinary dividend of 14 yen per share, Commemorative dividend of 8 yen per share.

* The above data is for the past 10 years.

Transition of Dividend per Share and Dividend Payout Ratio

graph : Transition of Dividend per Share

* MinebeaMitsumi has adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from the 1Q of FY3/2019.

* Detail of year-end dividend as of March 31, 2021: Ordinary dividend of 14 yen per share, Commemorative dividend of 8 yen per share.

Stock Split

No stock splits have during the past ten years.

Share Repurchase

To make it possible to carry out an agile capital management policy in response to changes in the business environment, we have repurchased our own shares shown below.


Period of Share Buyback Method of Repurchase Aggregate Number of Shares Repurchased
(Thousand of shares)
Aggregate Amount of Repurchase
(Thousand of yen)
August 21, 2024 - December 23, 2024 Purchased on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Max.)
Notice regarding Repurchase of Own Shares


Period of Share Buyback Method of Repurchase Aggregate Number of Shares Repurchased
(Thousand of shares)
Aggregate Amount of Repurchase
(Thousand of yen)
August 7, 2023 -
October 27, 2023
Purchased on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 4,000 9,643,585 Notice regarding the Status of Own Shares Repurchase and Completion of Repurchase
February 6, 2023 -
March 16, 2023
Purchased on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 4,184 9,999,974 Notice regarding the Status of Own Shares Repurchase and Completion of Repurchase
August 5, 2021 -
September 7, 2021
Purchased on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 3,000 8,640,890 Notice regarding the Status of Own Shares Repurchase and Completion of Repurchase
February 8, 2021 -
April 30, 2021
Purchased on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 2,497 6,774,034 Notice regarding the Status of Own Shares Repurchase and Completion of Repurchase
May 9, 2019 -
February 27, 2020
Purchased on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 6,724 14,999,833 Notice regarding the Repurchase Status of Own Shares and Completion of Repurchase
November 21 -
December 17, 2018
Purchased on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 6,300 10,631,779 Notice regarding the Repurchase Status of Own Shares and Completion of Repurchase
February 14 -
September 22, 2017
Purchased on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 4,658 8,351,607 Notice regarding Repurchase of Own Shares and Completion of Repurchase
June 17, 2016 Private transaction Convertible bonds worth 20,157 13,896,283 Announcement of Purchase of the Convertible Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights
May 23 - June 20, 2011 Purchased on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 5,000 2,008,793 Notice regarding Status and Completion of Repurchase of Own Shares
February 3 - 8, 2010 Purchased on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 5,000 2,465,904 Notice regarding Result and Completion of Repurchase of Own Shares
November 4 - 12, 2008 Purchased on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 10,000 3,148,918 Notice regarding Result and Completion of Repurchase of Own Shares

Shareholder Special Benefit Plan

We do not have a shareholder special benefit plan.

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