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image : Being Recognized as an Attractive Company by Stakeholders

(Posted Oct. 2015)

Appealing Workplaces for Employees

With the new vision as a foundation, myonic is taking a diverse range of measures to create appealing workplaces for its employees.

The company implements health and safety measures to ensure that employees can work energetically and with a high level of motivation. In addition to promoting safety and health in collaboration with the labor union, myonic provides advice to employees on healthy eating and ways to avoid obesity. To root the new corporate culture into the company, employees are also recognized for their service and efforts. Long-time employees are awarded commendations for service and their families are presented with gifts for their support.

myonic puts a special emphasis on education. In Germany, youths graduating from junior high school have the option of receiving practical apprenticeships at companies during their secondary education. myonic actively cooperates with this system by accepting student apprentices and supporting the region's career development initiatives in order to encourage young people to take an interest in working for the company in the future.

Students are enrolled in the apprenticeship program for three to three-and-a-half years. During this time, apprentices enjoy a broad range of training, learning such basic skills as CAD* along with manufacturing equipment maintenance and manufacturing parts in accordance with specifications. The program has a backup system in which apprentices can consult with myonic employees on their training at any time. They also interact with the community as a member of myonic by acting as teachers for children visiting the plant for tours.

myonic strives to enhance the significance of the apprentice training by coordinating the program with partner schools' curriculums and jointly holding year-end testing. Instructors at partner schools have praised the myonic program and the excellent relations the company has built with schools over the years. The company's efforts have been widely recognized with many commendations from the community.

These educational initiatives have helped people connected with myonic to better appreciate its corporate culture and appeal, while also spreading an awareness throughout the community and raising its presence.

*Computer Aided Design

image : Apprentices with the myonic instructor

Apprentices with the myonic instructor

image : Award from the region

Award from the region

image : School where apprentices learn new skills

School where apprentices learn new skills

"I joined myonic after an internship during my school days."

image : Mr. Nico Wellhäuser Process Engineer, myonicI was in the apprenticeship program for three-and-a-half years from 2008 through 2011 to study mechanical engineering, and now I'm working for myonic. I've always been interested in the manufacture of miniature precision parts, a field in which myonic excels at. It was a great opportunity because I was able to apply my theoretical study to hands-on training.

The program was more than just learning the basics of mechanical engineering. I worked as part of a team and on large projects, and each of my experiences gave me insight into exactly how products are made and what processes are needed to make them in an organization. The experiences I had during that apprenticeship are invaluable today in my work at myonic.

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