Latest Update : July 12, 2023
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Cleanup activities at Minebea Access Solutions R&D Center
On Friday, May 12, 2023, a cleanup activity was held in the "Soft Research Park Information Forest Tochigi" where the Minebea Access Solutions R&D Center is located.
This activity is part of the "Information Forest Tochigi Management Liaison Council" organized by the companies located in the park to "maintain and improve the park's environment," and is conducted simultaneously once a month by the member companies.
The park is located in Takanezawa Cho, a suburb of Utsunomiya Kiyohara Industrial Park, the largest inland industrial park in Japan, and Haga Industrial Park, which is home to many automobile and related companies.
The park is characterized by a green park that occupies 20% of the park, with a large pond and walking paths lined with cherry trees, which attract families in the spring when the cherry blossoms bloom and in the fall when the leaves turn red.
Since this cleanup activity was held after the Golden Week holiday, we were able to collect a considerable amount of trash.
Through these social contribution activities, MinebeaMitsumi will continue to protect the natural environment and maintain close ties with local communities.

Cleanup activities
Date of the Event : May 12, 2023