Latest Update : Dec.8, 2022
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Matsuida Plant Commuting Route Cleanup
Cleanup of the Matsuida Plant's commuting routes was conducted on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Nine members of the plant's Environmental Disaster Prevention Committee participated in the cleanup, collecting 2.1 kg of trash.
The cleanup consisted of cleaning around the plant entrance, up to the company entrance on the prefectural road toward the Myogisanroku Art Museum, the road from the plant to the south toward Etsusen, and the rented parking lot and inside the parking lot.
As a result of regular cleanup activities with participants from each division, littering on the roads has been decreasing significantly, but the collection of plastic bottles along the prefectural road was noticeable.
Through these social contribution activities, the MinebeaMitsumi Group will continue to protect the natural environment and maintain close ties with local communities.

Cleanup activities

Collected garbage
Date of the Event : June 21, 2022