Corporate Governance

Latest Update : Sept.30, 2024

Equity Holding

Policies on Cross-Shareholdings and Standards for the Exercising Voting Rights

The cross-shareholdings are for those that are considered to contribute to the enhancement of our corporate value by maintaining and improving stable business relationships through shareholdings. Every year, the Board of Directors meeting including independent Outside Directors examines each individual cross-shareholding as to whether the continuation of the shareholding contributes to the improvement of our corporate value, based on the meaning and purpose of the shareholdings such as the trend of shareholdings and the operational merits taking into account the status of transactions with the other party, and other economic rationale such as the cost of capital of shareholdings and the share price in the market, dividend income and profitability in comparison with indicators such as TSR and so on. The Company will eliminate at an appropriate time the holdings of those stocks determined not to offer rationale for ownership.

When we exercise voting rights relating to shareholdings, we will take appropriate measures after comprehensively determining whether or not we can contribute to the efficient and sound management of the other party and to sustainable growth and increased corporate value of the Company and the other party.

Total number of companies and amounts on the balance sheet of equity holdings which are not for pure investment (Cross-Shareholdings)

11 companies   8,695 million yen (as of March 31, 2024)

Equity holdings of listed shares for Cross-Shareholdings

Specified Investment Shares
7 companies 7,394 million yen (This accounts for 1.03% of the Company's total equity in its Consolidated Statements of Financial Position [715,724 million yen].) (as of March 31, 2024)

Companies Current fiscal year Previous fiscal year Purpose of holding Presence or Absence of holdings of MinebeaMitsumi shares
Number of shares Number of shares
Amount on B/S
(million yen)
Amount on B/S
(million yen)
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc. 616,970 308,485 To maintain better business relationship related to the financial transactions of our Group Presence
2,041 1,400
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. 2,189,700 2,189,700 To maintain better business relationship related to the financial transactions of our Group Presence
3,409 1,856
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. 141,740 141,740 To maintain better business relationship related to the financial transactions of our Group Presence
1,262 750
The Hachijuni Bank, Ltd. 500,000 500,000 To maintain better business relationship related to the financial transactions of our Group Presence
520 287
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. 300,350 300,350 To maintain better business relationship related to the financial transactions of our Group Presence
91 56
Nippon Steel Corporation 18,375 18,375 To maintain better business relationship related to the financial transactions of our Group Presence
67 57

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