Nov.12, 2001

Minebea Co., Ltd.

Corrections to Consolidated Financial Results for the Interim Period of Fiscal Year ending March 2001

We wish to inform you of the following corrections to be made to our consolidated financial results for the interim period of fiscal year 2001 announced on November 9, 2000. We apologize for any inconveniences caused to you.

1.Corrections To Be Made (Underlined parts)

(Half year ended September 30, 2000)

1. Business performance (April 1, 2000 through September 30, 2000)

(3) Consolidated Cash Flows

Currently reads:

Cash flows from operating activities
(millions of yen)
Cash flows from investing activities
(millions of yen)
Cash flows from financing activities
(millions of yen)
Year-end balance of cash and cash equivalents
(millions of yen)
FY2001 Interim 19,600 (14,099) (3,833) 25,901

To be corrected to read:

Cash flows from operating activities
(millions of yen)
Cash flows from investing activities
(millions of yen)
Cash flows from financing activities
(millions of yen)
Year-end balance of cash and cash equivalents
(millions of yen)
FY2001 Interim 22,394 (14,099) (6,677) 25,901


3. Management performance

(1) Overview of the half year
(b) Cash flows

Currently reads:

Minebea continued to focus on paring its assets and curtailing liabilities by minimizing expenditure for purchase of property, plant and equipment. During the current interim period, the balance of cash and cash equivalents was 25,901 million yen, an increase of 1,469 million yen compared with the end of the previous term.

The current interim term's cash flow in various activities and relevant factors are as follows:

Having implemented powerful measures to enhance business performance resulted in a net cash inflow of 19,600 million yen from the Company's operating activities.

Expenditure for purchase of property, plant and equipment amounted to 14,627 million yen, resulting in a net cash outflow of 14,099 million yen from investing activities.

Repayment of short-term and long-term loans payable amounted to 3,735 million yen, resulting in a net cash outflow of 3,883 million yen from financing activities.

To be corrected to read:

Minebea continued to focus on paring its assets and curtailing liabilities by minimizing expenditure for purchase of property, plant and equipment. During the current interim period, the balance of cash and cash equivalents was 25,901 million yen, an increase of 1,469 million yen compared with the end of the previous term.

The current interim term's cash flow in various activities and relevant factors are as follows:

Having implemented powerful measures to enhance business performance resulted in a net cash inflow of 22,394 million yen from the Company's operating activities.

Expenditure for purchase of property, plant and equipment amounted to 14,627 million yen, resulting in a net cash outflow of 14,099 million yen from investing activities.

Repayment of short-term and long-term loans payable amounted to 3,735 million yen, resulting in a net cash outflow of 6,677 million yen from financing activities.


4. Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes

(3) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Currently reads:

(Amount: millions of yen)

Half year ended
September 30,2000
1.Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
(Increase) decrease in current assets-others (3,131)
Increase in current liabilities-others 520
Sub-total 24,934
Receipt of interest and dividends 247
Payment of interest (3.846)
Payment of income taxes (1,735)
Net cash provided by operating activities 19,600
3.Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Decrease in short-term loans payable
Redemption of commercial paper
Long term loans payable
Repayment of long term loans payable
Purchase of treasury stock
Dividends paid
Dividends paid to minority shareholders
Decrease in long term liabilities-others
Net cash used in financing activities (3,883)
4.Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents (148)
5.Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,469
6.Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year 24,432
7.Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Half year (Year-end) 25,901

To be corrected to read:

(Amount: millions of yen)

Half year ended
September 30,2000
1.Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
(Increase) decrease in current assets-others (3,131)
Increase in current liabilities-others 3,314
Sub-total 27,728
Receipt of interest and dividends 247
Payment of interest (3.846)
Payment of income taxes (1,735)
Net cash provided by operating activities 22,394
3.Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Decrease in short-term loans payable
Redemption of commercial paper
Long term loans payable
Repayment of long term loans payable
Purchase of treasury stock
Dividends paid
Dividends paid to minority shareholders
Decrease in long term liabilities-others
Net cash used in financing activities (6,677)
4.Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents (148)
5.Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,469
6.Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year 24,432
7.Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Half year (Year-end) 25,901

2. Reasons for the Corrections

In the calculation of cash flows for the interim period of fiscal 2001, we regarded the dividend payment in June 2000 as a decrease in unpaid dividends and included it in cash flow from operating activities. However, to ensure clarity, we have made a correction to state the dividend payment as "Dividends paid" in "Cash flows from financing activities."

All the corrections made are underlined.

For further information and inquiries, please contact :

Name of Company :  Minebea Co., Ltd.

Representative :  Tsugio Yamamoto
President and Representative Director
Listing Code No.  :  6479

For Inquiries  :  Sadahiko Oki

Director and General Manager of Accounting Department
Telephone No. :  03-5434-8611

Information in the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product information, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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